November 11th to 17th, 2024

+++ Orcas and Humpbacks of Norway +++


On the Ocean X with Cinemarine

If you like the following, this trip might be for you:


The fjords north of Tromsø area are undoubtedly THE best place on earth to observe orcas in their natural habitat, while hunting for herring in the north of Norway! To be eye to eye with these 4 ton giants is an experience that many see as a highlight in their life!

Snorkelling eye to eye 🤿

This trip is exclusive to snorkelers & freedivers as there are no scuba diving opportunities in the Fjords. No scuba certification needed, so a decent fitness level is enough to participate in this adventure!

Humpback Whales 🐋

Although often perceived as the Orca Kingdom, there are other predators who also want a piece of the pie! Over the past few years, humpback whales have been spotted regularly joining the orca during the herring feeding frenzies.

Northern Lights🌌

Another highlight on this insane trip: the Northern lights, also known as the Aurora Borealis, are a natural phenomenon that occurs when electrically charged particles from the sun collide with particles in the Earth's atmosphere. This collision creates incredible, colourful lights that dance across the sky, making for a truly breathtaking sight.

Land Based 🛖

Most orca experiences in Norway are hosted by liveboards, which means guests stay on the water the whole week. This trip is land-based, meaning that at night we sleep in two cozy houses in Skjervøy, where we get picked up in the morning and dropped off again at the end of the day for a freezing night walk!

Intimate Boat 🛥️

The Ocean X is a performant vessel that during the year facilitates professional film productions in Norwegian waters. The boat was built for space for up to twelve people, there is plenty of space for the 6 guests on our trip. The boat has a heated outside area, which is a unique and very welcome feature in the cold waters of Norway!

This trip is open for everybody

Viewpoints from cultures all over the globe inspire us, that’s why we love bringing people from different backgrounds together. The more diverse, the better we feel.

Orca Kingdom

“The Norway fjords offer a raw and authentic theatre for a dive experience that is just incomparable and even hard to put into words. Your hands will be cold, your feet freezing, but once you lay down at night in your cabin, you know you might have witnessed something that usually only happens in your imagination. Don't think twice if you get the chance to go here"

- Marcel Wilpernig, Behind the Mask Travel-

Why Norway?

"Having lived in Norway for years now, these stunning fjords and their distinctive wildlife have been my workplace on numerous occasions. Being in the water with orca just hits different. There's simply nothing comparable. It's provides great satisfaction to bring people closer to these animals, always in a modest and respectful way ."

- Timon Koch, Behind the Mask photographer-

Meet your BTM Trip leader

Timon Koch

Behind the Mask Photographer & Trip Leader

Norway Orca & Humpback Expedition

Nov 11 - 17, 2024

Trip price:

€ 4.499
  • per person (see details below for what is included in this price)


  • Max. 6 guests in 2 cozy houses in Skjervøy
  • 6 nights, breakfast included
  • Transfer in a van form Tromso with driver
  • Van on spot for bad weather days or for the night (northern light photography)
  • 5 days on the water with an extreme comfortable Ocean X 40-foot day boat (heated inside area, space for normally up to 12 people, dive deck)
  • Experienced Skipper (experienced with film teams like BBC, NatGeo etc.)
  • Tour leader and Photographer Timon Koch (Behind the Mask / Cinemarine)

Not included:

  • Flights (we will happily assist, just let us know)
  • Tourist Visa (if required)
  • Cancellation and travel insurance
  • Non specified meals and beverages
  • Tips for local crew
  • Equipment rental
  • Any later added fees/fuel surcharges/supplements/taxes currently not known or enforced

Further extensions in Norway are always possible we’re happy to assist! Our terms & conditions apply!

We highly recommend DiveAssure insurance, which covers force majeure cases and single missed days of diving due to sickness. 

Get in touch!

Day 1: Arrival

Pick up from Airport Tromsø. 4h roadtrip though the outstanding wild fjord landscape of Lyngen to Skjervøy. After arrival – check-in at the cabins and for customers with rental gear – the afternoon is the time try everything on! If time allows have a nightcap with our captain.

Day 2-6: Search in the fjord

First day on board: safety briefing and check dive (weight calibration in the water, camera test and possible rescue scenario) close to the harbor.
Routine for all days on sea: change in our wetsuits in the cabin and drive to the harbor (3 min drive).

The search for animals starts basically after we leaving the harbor of Skjervøy. Our captain Per Børre will make a decision according to weather conditions where to go. He is a very experienced captain. He hosted many BBC, national geographic and other big wildlife productions. He is the heart of the search – super experienced and amazing wildlife knowledge. We stay on the sea as long day light and sea conditions allows us: no limits in how many times we jump or go into the wild waters!

Guest coming in the best season for orcas, humpback whales, fin whales and sea eagles. This year there have been first time ever in Skjervøy some sperm whale sightings!!

Day 7: Drive back to Tromsø

4 h drive back to Tromsø – depending on the earliest flight. (Note: no return flights should be booked before 3 pm!)

General information for customers who want to join later or leave earlier (probably not the case but anyways) – there is daily ferry connection to Tromsø.

Ocean X

Ocean X, a 40-foot Viknes 1080 constructed in 2019 in Norway, is purposefully designed for diving, photo, and video expeditions, offering top-notch facilities. Registered for 12 passengers and a crew of 2, the vessel boasts a cruising speed of 22 knots, ensuring swift long-distance travel.

The boat is perfect for wildlife productions in the Arctic. It has a platform for smooth entries in and out of the water. Between the outside platform and main cabin is a heated wet area located. All divers have here space to warm themselves with hot water or enjoy a coffee or tea. Its also possible to enter the cabin and enjoy the view from there or just have some of the snacks witch are included in the price.

The boat could theoretically host about 12 people plus captain, so with just 6 guests it’s quite luxurious for this journey!

Whales of Norway

Norway’s appeal is difficult to find words for. Steep-sided fjords cut deeply and dramatically into the land.  The glaciers are massive and powerful.  And, the Northern Lights are magical.  But it’s the “banqueting whales” which draws our attention as divers and snorkellers. In recent years, a change has come to the waters off the coast here:  a spring spawn of herring which has been drawing a throng of orcas and humpback whales.  Some say this is the largest in the world at this date and the peak occurs between November and the end of February.
The light is superb for photography and above the water line, you’ll see white-tailed eagles, moose, spectacular scenery and probably a display of the Northern lights.

Welcome to Tromsø

Welcome to Tromsø, a vibrant and picturesque city located in the Arctic region of Norway. Known as the “Gateway to the Arctic”, Tromsø is a popular destination for those seeking adventure, culture, and natural beauty. The city boasts a wide range of activities to enjoy, from exhilarating outdoor excursions such as dog sledding and Northern Lights hunting, to cultural highlights like the iconic Arctic Cathedral and the Tromsø Museum. Take a stroll through the charming city center, lined with colorful wooden houses and picturesque harbor views, or indulge in local cuisine and craft beer at one of the city’s many cozy restaurants and bars. Whether you’re seeking thrills, relaxation, or cultural immersion, Tromsø has something for everyone. Let us take you on an unforgettable journey through this Arctic gem.

6 spots left!

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