BTM Travel helps you with:

Extreme Adventures

Hiking some Volcanoes, kayaking through Patagonia or exploring the Amazon? We can get you there worry free from start to finish.

Flight bookings

Best connections, ideal flight times, good price deals: flying is intense and needs to be treated as such. We have years of wasting time in airports to help you avoid them!


Ever dreamed of living on a boat for a week or longer? Multiple dives and snorkelling opportunities a day? We facilitate Liveaboards all over the world in the world's most breathtaking locations. Check our Liveaboard finder or contact the team!

Dive Resorts & Hotels

We work with a range of selected preferred small and local dive resorts around the globe that not only meet our standards, but will safeguard your investment into a magical experience.

All Inclusive Service

Any idea you want to bounce off, animals you'd like to see, group dive trip you'd like to organise with friends or family? We don't say no to anything apart from long Whatsapp voice notes!

Packaged Trips

Want to have a full package of safari and diving combined? Looking for a liveaboard and an extension on land? We got you.

You want to travel individually or join a group?

Behind the Mask Travel is here to make the logistical mess around dive travel just a footnote. We have a team that is day in day out handling travel related hassles: planning of trips, booking hotels or resorts, getting you on liveaboards and even custom tailored travel. Once you told us your expectations, you can lean back and let us do the dirty work. Do give us a call, send us a message: you are not annoying us, we are used to it!

Contact me now

You have no idea where you want to go?

Always dreamed of encountering that one very special animal? Want to bring your family to a unique far away island? Or you only have a certain time for your holiday and are looking for a suggestion? We have been in this field for over a decade and have a pool of tailor made suggestions to share with you.

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How to get in touch

+49 176 55 77 1225
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