Freediving Azores Dive trip – 07/2025

Jul 18 - 29, 2025

+++ Freediving Azores+++

Faial Island

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Princess Alice Bank ist sicherlich der bekannteste Tauchplatz der Azoren um große Mobula Schulen zu sichten.


Die Gewässer und Untiefen um die Inseln Faial und Pico sind wohl einer der besten Plätze weltweit, um mit Blauhaien zu tauchen!

Delfine & Wale

Die Azoren sind bekannt für eine unglaubliche marine Biodiversität. Ungefähr zwanzig verschiedene Delfin- und Walarten können hier beobachtet werden.

Freitauchen & Schnorcheln

Diese Reise ist für Schnorchler und Freitaucher gedacht.


Der Respekt vor den Tieren und voreinander macht die Reise auf die Azoren so besonders. Die Tiere werden nicht gejagt oder zu Interaktionen gezwungen.


Die Reise wird mit maximal 8 Teilnehmern durchgeführt um ein maximales Naturerlebnis zu ermöglichen.

Die Azoren

"Die Azoren sind eine Topdestination vor unserer Haustüre. Kaum Massentourismus, authentische kleine Unterkünfte und herzliche Menschen. Das Meer dort steckt voller Überraschungen und die Schönheit der Inseln ziehen mich persönlich dort immer wieder hin. "

- Marcel, Behind the Mask-

Dein Reiseleiter vor Ort

Doris Hovermann

Freitauch Instructor & Reiseleitung

Freediving Azores

Jul 18 - 29, 2025


€ 2.394
  • pro Person


  • 11 Nächte Unterkunft im Gästehaus nahe der Basis im Hafen im Casa Buon Vento – Selbstverpflegung
  • Flughafentransfers ab/an Horta (HOR) Flughafen
  • 2 Tage “Blauhaie” (3-5 h Ausfahrten – entweder morgens oder ab 13 Uhr ca. je nach Wetter)
  • 1 Tag Exploration Nordküste Faial (Smooth Hammerheads)
  • 2 x Freediving Session an den besten Küstentauchplätzen (2 – 3 h)
  • 1 Tag Princess Alice (Ganztagesausfahrt ca. 8 h) – normalerweise 2 Tauchgänge = ca. 3 h Zeit vor Ort für Freediving
  • 2 Tage “Open Ocean” Ausfahrt Walbeobachtung, Delfine, Baitballs
  • Alle Ausfahrten auf privatem Boot mit Skipper & Guide
  • Reiseleitung Doris Hovermann

Extra Kosten:

  • Anreise nach Horta über Lissabon oder Ponta Delgada mit TAP Portugal & SATA Air Açores
  • Übergepäck
  • Verpflegung vor Ort
  • Trinkgelder
  • Reiserücktritts- und Auslandskrankenversicherung sowie Tauchversicherung

Wichtiger Hinweis: Mindestteilnehmerzahl 6 Personen um die Reise zu bestätigen und durchzuführen. Wir empfehlen dringend den Abschluss einer Reiseversicherung bei unserem Partner DiveAssure. Für Verlängerungen auf den Azoren sprich uns gerne an! Es gelten unsere AGB.

Get in touch!

Reiseablauf 18. bis 29. Juli 2025

Die Tour startet und endet in Faial. Für Transfers vom Flughafen Horta zur Unterkunft ist gesorgt. 11 Übernachtungen und einige aufregende Tage auf dem Meer stehen auf dem Programm.

Aufgrund unvorhersehbarer Wetterbedingungen wird der tägliche Ablauf am Abend vorher mit der Basis und deinem Reiseleiter besprochen. Pläne ändern sich schnell und ein großes Maß an Flexibilität ist von Vorteil! Die inkludierten Aktivitäten werden an den Tagen mit den dafür passenden Bedingungen stattfinden und es sind genug freie Tage eingerechnet sollten die Wellen einmal nicht mitspielen. Zusätzliche Ausfahrten können auf Wunsch vor Ort organisiert werden, wenn noch freie Tage bleiben und Interesse besteht.

Casa BuonVento, Faial

Casa BuonVento, im Herzen von Horta auf der Insel Faial, Azoren (Portugal) gelegen, ist ein altes Haus aus dem frühen 20. Jahrhundert. Es wurde 2017 vollständig renoviert, wobei die ursprüngliche „Seele“ und der Charme des Hauses respektiert wurden, ohne den Komfort zu beeinträchtigen. Die Zimmer, die alle unterschiedlich sind, sind mit maßgefertigten Möbeln dekoriert, die mit Geschmack und Fantasie kreiert oder restauriert wurden. Einige Zimmer bieten einen Blick auf den Pico-Berg und das Meer. Den Gästen steht eine gemeinschaftlich genutzte, voll ausgestattete Küche (Geschirr, Besteck, Geräte) sowie ein kleiner Loungebereich mit Sofa, TV und Büchern zur Verfügung.

In fußläufiger Entfernung zum Haus finden Sie Cafés und Restaurants für jeden Geschmack. Das Peter Café Sport mit seinem Scrimshaw-Museum, der Hafen mit seinen farbenfrohen „Murales“, Porto Pim, Monte Queimado und Monte da Guia, wo Sie einen sehr angenehmen Blick auf die Bucht von Porto Pim genießen können. Ebenfalls zu Fuß erreichbar sind ein Einkaufszentrum und ein Lebensmittelgeschäft.

Die Azoren

Die autonome Region der Azoren gehört zu Portugal und ist in drei geografische Regionen geteilt. Die Inseln Santa Maria und São Miguel bilden die östliche Gruppe, Terceira, Graciosa, São Jorge, Pico und Faial die Zentralgruppe und Corvo und Flores die westliche Gruppe des Archipels. Madeira, die Kanaren und die Kap Verdischen Inseln repräsentieren zusammen mit den Azoren das Gebiet von Makaronesien (Inseln des Glücks).

Laut Legende sind die Azoren die Überreste des sagenhaften Inselkönigreichs Atlantis (Platons versunkene, phantastische Welt), und schon Mitte des 14. Jahrhunderts wurden neun Inseln mit nahezu der exakten Position der Azoren in Büchern und auf
kartografischen Karten erwähnt und dargestellt. Doch erst nach den portugiesischen Seefahrtexpeditionen Heinrich des Seefahrers wurden die Azoren endgültig in die europäischen Land- und Seekarten aufgenommen.

Es steht nicht genau fest, ob es der Seefahrer Diogo de Silves im Jahre 1427 war oder ob Gonçalo Velho Cabral 1431 den azorischen Archipel entdeckte. Auch gibt es mehrere Theorien, wie die Azoren zu ihrem Namen kamen. Die am meisten verbreitete beruht auf der Verwechslung der vorgefundenen «Milhafres» (Rotmilane/Mäusebussarde), die fälschlicherweise für
«Açores« (Habichte) gehalten wurden. Sicher ist, dass Heinrich der Seefahrer die Besiedlung der Inseln förderte. Zuerst ließ er zwischen 1431 und 1432 Tiere auf den Inseln aussetzen, und 1439 kamen die ersten Siedler. Die Besiedlung der Azoren erstreckte sich über das ganze 15. (östliche Gruppe und Zentralgruppe) und 16. Jahrhundert (westliche Gruppe). An dieser schweren
Aufgabe beteiligten sich auch Juden, Mauren, Flamen, Italiener, Engländer, Franzosen und afrikanische Sklaven. Aus ihnen ging während der Jahrhunderte ein Volk hervor, dem Vulkanausbrüche, Erdbeben, Isolation, Piratenangriffe, politische Kriege und Infektionskrankheiten nichts anhaben konnten. Der Widerstand während der spanischen Besetzung ab 1580 und die Unterstützung der Liberalen im Bürgerkrieg (1828-1834) belegen die Tapferkeit der „Azoreaner“.

Der Archipel ist natürlicher Lebensraum für verschiedene Vogelarten, wie den Rotmilan, Gelbschnabelsturmtaucher, die Seeschwalbe, Ringeltaube und Schwarzdrossel. In der «Serra da Tronqueira» auf São Miguel ist der Azorengimpel (Priolo) wegen seiner Seltenheit besonders geschützt. Das einzige endemische Säugetier der Azoren ist die azorische Fledermaus.

Für viele verschiedene Meeresvögel sind die Azoren der erste Ruheplatz nach ihrem Flug über den Atlantik. Im weiten Meer um die Azoren gibt es ungefähr zwanzig verschiedene Delfin- und Walarten, von denen manche ihren permanenten Lebensraum hier haben, andere nur vorbei ziehen. Der Fischreichtum, Kolonien von Mollusken und Krustentieren verhelfen den Gewässern um die Inseln zu einer außergewöhnlichen, vielfältigen Unterwasserwelt.

„Inmitten der Natur“ – dieser Ausdruck ist typisch für die Region der Azoren. Dank seiner einmaligen Natur bietet der Archipel einzigartige Bedingungen für den Natur-Tourismus. Die biologische Vielfalt, der geologische Reichtum, die historischen Städte und die traditionellen Ortschaften bieten optimale Bedingungen für den Tourismus.

Die Insel Faial

Nur 4,5 nautische Meilen von der Insel Pico und ungefähr 14 Meilen von São Jorge entfernt bildet Faial mit den genannten Nachbarinseln die sogenannten „Triangle Island“ der Azoren. Bekannt als die Segel-Hauptstadt der nördlichen Hemisphäre hat
die Insel mit ihrem Hafen Horta eine starke Verbindung zum Meer und bietet vielen Yachten und Seglern Schutz auf dem Weg über den Atlantik. Die unzähligen Segelboote die dort im Hafen liegen machen den Charme der Stadt aus welche im Schatten des
erloschenen Vulkans Guia Hill liegt. Kein Besuch von Horta ist komplett ohne einen Besuch der berühmtesten portugiesischen Bar – Peter’s Café Sport. Mit Blick über die Marina und auf den Vulkan Pico geben die vielen Flaggen und Überbleibsel von Seglern im inneren des Restaurants einen Einblick in die Geschichte der Stadt. Der Flair der Bar ist einzigartig und sie ist der Treffpunkt der Insel für Einheimische und Touristen.

Die letzte große Eruption des Vulkans Capelinhos ereignete sich auf Faial (1957/58). Die Landschaft die durch diesen Vulkanausbruch auf der Westseite der Insel geformt wurde ist immer einen Ausflug wert. Im „Capelinhos Volcano Interpretation Centre“ kann man sich über das Ausmaß der Zerstörung dieser Naturkatastrophe informieren.

Für Taucher ist einer der Hauptgründe für eine Reise nach Faial die Möglichkeit mit Blauhaien zu Tauchen oder Schnorcheln. Hier ist einer der wenigen Orte der Welt, wo man mit sehr hoher Wahrscheinlich diese Jäger zu Gesicht bekommt – wenn auch meist geködert. Auch auf den anderen Inseln gibt es die Tiere allerdings sind die besten Tauchplätze dafür nahe den Inseln Faial und Pico. Die Condor Bank oder andere Erhebungen (Plateaus unter Wasser) eignen sich dafür die Tiere an die Oberfläche zu locken. Mit Glück tauchen auch immer wieder mal Mako Haie auf – verschwinden aber oft auch direkt schnell wieder.

6 places left!

Top rated operator

Freya's Orcas – 11/2025

Oct 28 - Nov 3, 2025

+++ Freya's Orcas +++

Humpback and Orca Delirium 🇳🇴

If you like the following, this trip might be for you:

Orca 🐼

The fjords in the Lofoten area are undoubtedly THE best place on earth to observe orcas in their natural habitat, while hunting for herring in the north of Norway! Whether you want to spot them from the boat or share time the water, it will be an outstanding experience that you will never forget!

Humpback Whales 🐋

Although often perceived as the Orca Kingdom, there are other predators who also want a piece of the pie! Over the past few years, humpback whales have been spotted regularly joining the orca during the herring feeding frenzies. Mouths wide open, they lunge into the herring catching as many as they can!

Snorkeling 🤿

This trip is exclusive to snorkelers & freedivers as there are no scuba diving opportunities in the fjords. Jumping in and off the boat during orca encounters can be intense. No scuba certification needed, but a decent fitness level is advised to participate in this cold watered marine adventure.

Northern Lights 🌌

Another highlight on this insane trip: the Northern lights, a natural phenomenon that occurs when electrically charged particles from the sun collide with particles in the Earth's atmosphere. This collision creates incredible, colourful lights that dance across the sky, making for a truly breathtaking sight.

Experienced Operator

The intense action and sometimes rough conditions require an exquisite operator. Our partner in Norway has many years of experience in these orca trips, making them a valued and trusted choice. Freya has been operating these waters since 2014 and know how to get away from the crowds.

Why Liveaboard? ⛴️

Pods of orca move a lot and they move fast. With a liveaboard we are able to move quickly with the action. When weather conditions get trickier, we van plan to overnight and spend time in more sheltered areas. On land groups don't have this advantage. We are also not limited to a certain boat range but can go where and when we want.

Absolute Magic

To be in the water with orca is something that surpasses any other diving experience imaginable. Their intellect, interaction and presence is just astonishing. Maybe only one word comes close: magic.

Orca Kingdom

“Your hands will be cold, your feet freezing, but once you lay down at night in your cabin, you know you might have witnessed something that usually only happens in your imagination. Our Orca Kingdom video is an homage to this unique place, where wildlife and humans interact almost face to face. If you have a chance to go, go."


- Florian Fischer, Behind the Mask -

That Dorsal

"Diving in icy and snowy conditions in itself quite special. But in Norway, the level of interaction you can get with one of the most intriguing marine mammals kind of speaks for itself. There is just nothing like it. We have clients who went multiple times and still get a buzz when those black dorsal fins break the surface. Some things you just don't get used to."

- Marcel Wilpernig, Behind the Mask Travel -

Meet your BTM Trip leader

Simona Hlavova

BTM Travel Trip Leader

Orca & Humpback Expedition 🇳🇴

Oct 28 - Nov 03, 2025

Trip price:

€ 5.290
  • per person (see details below for what is included in this price)


  • 7 Days / 6 nights liveaboard in deluxe twin cabin
  • 2 zodiacs incl inwater guide and skipper
  • All meals on liveaboard
  • Water/tea/coffee on liveaboard
  • Hottub and sauna
  • Weights & weightbelt

Not included:

  • Flights (we will happily assist, just let us know)
  • Tourist Visa (if required)
  • Cancellation and travel insurance
  • Non specified meals and beverages
  • Tips for local crew
  • Equipment rental
  • Superior Suite surcharge 309 EUR, Single Cabin 509 EUR surcharge
  • Any later added fees/fuel surcharges/supplements/taxes over which M/S Freya has no control

Our terms & conditions apply!

We highly recommend DiveAssure insurance, which covers force majeure cases and single missed days of diving due to sickness. 

© Images: Kingfish Travel, Casper Sparholt, © Ivan Breslauer © Behind the Mask ©Henrik Hindborg © Rasmus Raahauge © Lars Mikkelsen

Get in touch!

The journey starts in the city of Tromsø in Norway. We recommend to arrive more than just one night before the expedition the get a glimpse of this beautiful arctic city! We can arrange hotels & tours as well as your international flights.

Oct 28 – Nov 3, 2025

The following is an approximate itinerary as the final itinerary, of course, depends on the sea, the weather and the animals.  Expert guides will accompany you on your whale watching adventures to provide information and guidance.

Day 1: Arrival and boarding
Arrival at Tromsø airport and transfer to the harbor. In the afternoon you will board your ship, settle in and explore the ship.

Day 2-6:  The search is on
Surrounded by the dramatic Norwegian fjords, you’ll spend 5 full days following schools of herring  … and pods of orcas & humpbacks. The bridge of the ship is a great place to look for whales and enjoy theamazing light and the awesome scenery.  Whenever the conditions are right and animals are in the vicinity, you can board the Zodiacs to snorkel and photograph the animals and feeding frenzies.

You can watch the highlights from the spacious deck or join the Zodiac excursions for up-close whale watching and excellent photography opportunities. You may also have the opportunity to go ashore to visit some of the historical fishing villages situated in the fjords.  But, the top highlight is the in-water experience with the whales, orcas & herring!

During the darker hours you will enjoy the warm and cozy comfort of the expedition yacht while your expert guides entertain you with presentations and educational information on wildlife and cinematography and films. Excellent food is served three times a day, with a warm meal during lunch and diner.  Beer and wine are available.

Also, of course, the winter months mean displays of the Aurora Borealis. With a bit of luck you might be treated to some of this delight.

Day 7: Disembarkation
The ships usually arrive back in Tromsø the night before disembarkation.   After breakfast and farewell to your crew, it is unfortunately time to disembark.  The guides can arrange a transfer to the airport or to your hotel if you choose to extend your stay in Norway.

M/S Freya

M/S Freya is a heavy duty expedition ship built in 1981 to Lloyds Ice Class 1A. Being 45 meters long and 10 meters wide, she is a big ship with lots of space.

The ship comfortably accommodates 12 guests in an intimate and cozy atmosphere. And our 9 experienced and friendly expedition leaders and crew will complete your arctic adventure.

Freya offers 9 cozy guest cabins as deluxe twins, deluxe singles and a superior suite. All are located on the main deck and upperdeck, with private bathroom, plenty of
space for storage and have minimum 1 window. Superior suite is larger with seating area, 2 windows and choice of a kingsize bed or 2 twins.

Delicious meals are served in the restaurant area on the main deck, where there is also a bar.
Relax in the sofa lounge, after using the hottub and sauna, or stroll the massive deck for impressive views.

There is no better way to end the day than in the hottub located on the topdeck. Here you have impressive panoramic views of the fiords and the arctic sky with northern lights. Or go for an arctic dip and the indoor sauna to get really heated up.

You will have a private space for hanging your suit and storing gear in a heated and ventilated room. So your gear will be dry and warm for you to put on every morning.

Whales of Norway

Norway’s appeal is difficult to find words for. Steep-sided fjords cut deeply and dramatically into the land.  The glaciers are massive and powerful.  And, the Northern Lights are magical.  But it’s the “banqueting whales” which draws our attention as divers and snorkellers. In recent years, a change has come to the waters off the coast here:  a spring spawn of herring and mackerel which has been drawing a throng of orcas and humpback whales.  Some say this is the largest in the world at this date and the peak occurs between November and the end of February. In addition to the orcas and humpbacks, the congregation often includes pilot whales, minke whales, harbor porpoises and white- beaked dolphins.
The light is superb for photography and above the water line, you’ll see white-tailed eagles, moose, spectacular scenery and probably a display of the Northern lights.

Welcome to Tromsø

Welcome to Tromsø, a vibrant and picturesque city located in the Arctic region of Norway. Known as the “Gateway to the Arctic”, Tromsø is a popular destination for those seeking adventure, culture, and natural beauty. The city boasts a wide range of activities to enjoy, from exhilarating outdoor excursions such as dog sledding and Northern Lights hunting, to cultural highlights like the iconic Arctic Cathedral and the Tromsø Museum. Take a stroll through the charming city center, lined with colorful wooden houses and picturesque harbor views, or indulge in local cuisine and craft beer at one of the city’s many cozy restaurants and bars. Whether you’re seeking thrills, relaxation, or cultural immersion, Tromsø has something for everyone. Let us take you on an unforgettable journey through this Arctic gem.

10 Spots Left!

Top rated Liveaboard

Colours of Cagayan - 05/2025

19 - 28 May 2025

+++ Colours of Cagayan +++


10 days Philippines Diving Trip

If you like the following, this trip might be for you:

Colourful Wall Diving 🌈

Cagayancillo is an underwater ridge, formed by (now extinct) volcanoes that flows into the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Tubbataha Reef National Marine Park. It's the perfect destination for adventurous divers who love walls, corals, and pelagic fish and prefer sleeping on land!

Chartered Plane 🛩️

It takes about a 9-hour boat ride to get to the islands from the mainland. However, we arranged a cozy personally chartered plane only for our guests over the spectacular Cagayan Archipelago and its light blue reefs. This way, the travel time is cut just to 30 minutes air travel!

Just Us 🪸

The isolated location of the islands, ensures that you will be the only people on the island, and most importantly the only divers in the area. No bubble walls full of other divers, just you and your dive buddies to enjoy the impressive underwater sights for yourselves!

Budget Friendly 💰

Being able to offer trips all across the spectrum is important to us, and we make it a priority to offer great diving at an affordable rate. This Philippines trip is definitely one of the more budget friendly options in our repertoire.

Glamping 🏕️

The island's eco-resort provides basic but offers a quality ‘glamping’ style accommodation making it a unique and comfortable experience for adventurers in Cagayancillo. Camping in the heart of the Philippines? ✓

Surprises in the Deep 🦈

This area is not just known for the stellar wall and coral diving, for divers that like "Big Stuff", there is a good chance to find some lurking in the deep. Hammerheads, whale sharks, eagle rays and much more have been spotted!

Something Different

Glamping style land based diving is completely different than the usual diving journeys in the Philippines. If you are looking to do something else that still offers a stellar underwater experience, this one might be it! 🌊

Wall Diving Lovers

Diving alongside the edges of coral reefs, reef walls, and other vertical underwater structures is a subcategory of its own. Like art lovers in a museum, the colourful forms are there to study and admire. One of many highlights of this trip!

Dive Glamping

"It's always great to switch up the portfolio with different locations and accommodation types. Glamping in the Cagayan islands just felt like such a dreamy combination. Trip leader Oli is a top guy and ensure guests have the dive time of their lives. Great value for money too."

- Marcel, BTM Travel founder -

Meet your BTM Trip leader

Oliver Mischo

Dive Professional & Trip Leader

Colours of Cagayan 🇵🇭

May 19 - 28, 2025

Colours of Cagayan Price:

€ 2.099
  • per person in a double room (see details below for what is included in this price)


  • All transfers from Dumagute City (DGT) and back
  • 1 night Sipalay Resort before the flight safari, deluxe room on shared basis with breakfast
  • 8 days / 7 nights flight safari to Cagayan island incl. private flight
  • 7 nights in luxury tens or bungalows
  • Full board
  • 3 dives per day with air, weights & guide
  • 1 night Sipalay Resort after the flight safari, deluxe room on shared basis with breakfast

Not included:

  • Airfare
  • Alcoholic beverages and snacks
  • Equipment Rental

Important: We highly recommend DiveAssure insurance which also covers force majeure and single missed days of diving due to sickness. Feel free to ask us about it. Further extensions in Philippines are always possible we’re happy to assist! Our terms & conditions apply!

Get in touch!

Itinerary summary:

19.-20.05. Resort (Easy Diving resort Sipalay)

20.05.-27.05. Cagayan Safari

27.05.-28.05. Resort (Easy Diving resort Sipalay)

Daily Itinerary Cagayan:

In the morning there is coffee and snacks on the way to the first dive, afterwards breakfast is served on the boat. After breakfast, the first dive is the deepest. The other two dives are shallower, so you will normally do three dives a day before we return to the bay at around 4 PM. Between the dives there is lunch, snacks, fruits, water, various non-alcoholic drinks, tea, and coffee on the boat as usual.

Every diver is obliged to bring his own dive computer, an underwater lamp and a Surface Marker Buoy/SMB!

After the Safari you have the opportunity to explore the main island and get to know its lovely inhabitants. In order to guarantee a safe flight back to Sipalay your last dive ends before 1 PM on the sixth day. As a consequence, you have a break of at least 18 hours.

Easy Diving Eco-Resort

The new Easy Diving Eco-Resort was completed in January 2020. The Luxury Glamping Tents are equipped with very high-quality beds and mattresses. During the day they are connected to the power grid, at night they are supplied by our solar power system. All sockets meet European standards. A brick building with four showers and toilets is available for personal hygiene. The accommodation can be booked for kingsize or twin beds and single occupancy is also available.

The eco-resort will give you an absolutely wonderful, heavenly experience in an environment that still represents the original Philippines. Since the islands are remote, you will have a slightly smaller menu with simple but always freshly prepared meals. Nevertheless, the proper service from Easy Diving is guaranteed. Back to the roots, but in style! Alcoholic beverages are also available but not included in the Safari price.

Cagayan Islands

The Cagayan islands are on top of the Cagayan ridge that has a length of 500 km and a width of 30 km. The ridge connects the Cagayan islands with the Tubbataha Reef as well as Borneo and emerged from extinct volcanoes thousands of years ago. While parts of it sank again, declined, or eroded, corals grew there over the years up to 100m high.

The archipelago, which is 120 km away from Sipalay, consists of 31 islands. Only a few of them are inhabited. As all islands are flat and overgrown with bushes and palm trees, the region is often compared to the Maldives. From December until April the climate is less humid than between May and November while the temperature is high all over the year.

Diving in Cagayancillo

Cagayancillo is an underwater ridge sculpted by extinct volcanoes that end in the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Tubbataha Reef National Marine Park. It is the best destination for divers who love walls, corals, and pelagic fishes and don’t want to stay on the boat overnight.

10 spaces left

Top rated Accomodation

Cat's Oceanic Whitetips - 05/2025

Trip 1: May 21 - 28, 2025
Trip 2: May 29 - June 4, 2025

+++ Cat's Oceanic Whitetips +++


7 days Bahamas Shark Diving

If you like the following, this trip might be for you:

Oceanic Whitetips 🗻

Cat Island is one of those rare diving destinations where the diver can experience close encounters with the magnificent Oceanic Whitetip. They arrive in the spring – in large numbers in April and May – following the tuna migration. Groups will often form if a good food source appears and observing a feeding frenzy is a distinct possibility on one of your dives.

Caribbean Reef Shark 🦈

The whitetips aren’t the only species in these waters, so you’ll have plenty of excitement between sightings. We have included Caribbean reef sharks dives in the itinerary, and divers often see silky sharks and dusky sharks, even the occasional blue marlin. Waters in the Bahamas are particularly shaky because of the terrific governmental protection!

Coral Reefs 🪸

Cat Island is renowned for its extensive drop-off and wall diving opportunities. Our diving anchor point marks the termination of the Continental shelf, offering pristine coral heads beginning at 7 meters deep. Magnificent Black Coral fans grace the wall, accompanied by bustling schools of jacks and snappers. Adventurers may also encounter the Bahamas' larger sharks patrolling along the drop-off.

Photography Tips📸

David Serradell is the BTM Travel trip leader on this journey. He is not only a scuba and freedive instructor but also a professional underwater photographer! With some small adjustments, this is the guy that can help you take your underwater photos to the next level.

Paradise Island 🏝️

Cat Island's allure lies in its stunning beaches, where white sands meet the azure waters in a mesmerizing embrace. With its warm tropic temperatures, calm seas and palm trees, Cat Island is paradise on earth and offers the best backdrop for a shark experience.

Caribbean Energy ⛵

Diving in the Caribbean exudes a laid-back and tropical vibe, characterized by warm waters, colorful reefs, and swaying palm trees. Alongside tropical fish and cruising sharks, the Caribbean's relaxed atmosphere and stunning underwater scenery create a unique diving experience.

Something Different

Cat island is completely different than the usual diving journeys in the Bahamas. If you are looking to do something else that still offers a stellar underwater experience, this one might be it! 🌊

For Shark Lovers

Sharks are just one of the oceans' most mesmerising animals: elegant, big, unpredictable and just all around so cool. This trip is heavy shark based, and tailor made for shark lovers 🦈

A BTM Travel Special

"For a while now we want to see what is beyond Tiger Beach and Bimini in the Bahamas, and Cat Island's is the right answer to that. I hear the Oceanic white tips are bigger and demonstrate different behaviour than other places where they are frequently dived with. Tripleader David can offer guests not just stellar guidance but also image improvement. This trip will bang."

- Marcel, BTM Travel founder -

Meet your BTM Trip leader

David Serradell

Professional Photographer & Trip Leader

Cat's Oceanic Whitetips 🇧🇸

May 21 - May 28, 2025

May 29 - June 4, 2025

Cat Island Price:

$ 4.550
  • per person in a double room (see details below for what is included in this price)


  • 7 nights Bahamas accommodation ($700 single room surcharge)
  • 10 dives in the Caribbean: 6 oceanic white tip dives, 4 reef dives
  • Full board 3 meals per day (American breakfast, packed lunch for the oceanic white tip day, dinner), arrival and departure half board
  • Island day tour
  • BTM Trip Leader – UW photography and Video sessions
    • Important note: trip leader is confirmed on the basis at least 5 spots are sold.

Not included:

  • Airfare
  • Transfers
  • Alcoholic beverages and snacks
  • Equipment Rental

Important: We highly recommend DiveAssure insurance which also covers force majeure and single missed days of diving due to sickness. Feel free to ask us about it. Further extensions in Bahamas are always possible we’re happy to assist! Our terms & conditions apply!

Get in touch!

Arrival at New Bight-Freetown Settlement Airport.

Day 1 

Arrival on the island, check in at the resort and relaxing afternoon.

Day 2 

Day trip with 2 dives with Oceanic White Tips, relax and photo analysis at the resort after return. Dinner and a good rest.

Day 3

Boat drive and 2 Caribbean reef dives, coral gardens and reef sharks. Relax and photo analysis at the resort after return. Dinner and a good rest.

Day 4

Island day tour with the following activities:

– Visit of the Armbrister Plantation
– Swim into the healing pond (highly salted lake, floating like in the Dead Sea)
– Swim into the Blue Hole,
– Hike up Mount Alvernia (highest point of the Bahamas)
– Tropical conch salad taste at Duke Shack

Day 5

Day trip with 2 dives with Oceanic White Tips, relax and photo analysis at the resort after return. Dinner and a good rest.

Day 6

Boat drive and 2 Caribbean reef dives, coral gardens and reef sharks. Relax and photo analysis at the resort after return. Dinner and a good rest.

Day 7

Day trip with 2 dives with Oceanic White Tips, relax and photo analysis at the resort after return. Dinner and a good rest.

Day 8

Breakfast and return home.

Greenwood Beach Resort

With just 16 rooms, which provides a relaxed and intimate atmosphere for their international clientele. Its location is pristine: a large Clubhouse is only 30 feet away from one of the most gorgeous, Pink-Sand beaches in the entire Bahamas. Here guests can enjoy their meals on our Ocean View Terrace or inside the bright and colorful dining room.

In the evening guests come together and share their daily adventures and sip a beer at the bar.

All rooms feature a private bath with shower, a small terrace and King-size beds. 8 rooms are equipped with Air conditioning and 8 rooms are cooled by Ocean breezes and ceiling fans.

The decor is a friendly mix of island style and comfortable living. All rooms are only 50 yards from the clubhouse and approx. 20 yards from the pool. Easy access to the beach from all rooms without more than 6 steps from 8 miles of Pink-sand beach.

The Bahamas

Diving in the Bahamas offers a captivating experience amidst clear waters and diverse marine ecosystems. With vibrant coral reefs and an abundance of marine life, including reef sharks and colorful tropical fish, the Bahamas provides ample opportunities for all types of divers. From exploring iconic blue holes to encountering majestic creatures like eagle rays, the underwater world of the Bahamas offers memorable adventures in a stunning natural setting.

Diving into Cat Island’s azure waters unveils a mesmerizing encounter with oceanic whitetip sharks amidst vibrant coral reefs. The sleek predators, known for their distinctive white-tipped fins, glide gracefully through the blue expanse, offering a glimpse into their mysterious world. Amidst the coral labyrinth, teeming with life, schools of fish dart among vibrant hues, seeking refuge in their intricate shelters.

Cat Island’s reefs serve as vital ecosystems, supporting a diverse array of marine life. Each crevice harbors its own ecosystem, creating a tapestry of biodiversity that captivates divers. Amidst the balance between predator and prey, the oceanic whitetip sharks reign supreme. As you ascend, the memory of encountering these apex predators amidst the vibrant reefs serves as a reminder of the fragility and beauty of marine ecosystems, urging us to protect and preserve them for generations to come.

10 spaces left

Top rated Accomodation

Sharks of Japan - 09/2025

September 7 - 16, 2025

+++ Sharks Of Japan +++

日本のサメ 🇯🇵

10 days from Shark City to Mikomoto

If you like the following, this trip might be for you:

Mikomoto Hammers ⚒️

Mikomoto Island, an uninhabited reef island located approximately 10 km southeast of Japan's Izu Peninsula, serves as a crucial navigation point for ships approaching Tokyo Bay from the west. It's not just a pivotal geographic landmark, it's home to an incredible underwater phenomenon: the hundreds of hammerheads hanging in the blazing current.

Hound Sharks 🦈

A 2 hour drive from the center of Tokyo, Tateyama is a well-known diving destination that is often referred to as the “Japanese Hound Shark Scramble”. This place is the only shark feeding area in Japan. Often caught in fishing nets, the sharks are fed to drive them away from danger zones. Now the area is literally swarming with Japanese Hound Sharks.

Cultural Galore 🎌

Deeply rooted in tradition and respect, Japanese culture is multifaceted and rich. We insisted in this trip to include a number of visits that allow us to not just to see the magic of Tokyo, but also the Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine and the natural beauty at the waterfalls of Nanadaru Kawazu. On the free day in Tokyo Tim is setting up a WWII visit.

Adventurous Diving 🤿

Mikomoto is heavily influenced by the infamous Kurisho current, which means visibility can differ heavily from day to day and strong currents are common. This trip is suited for experienced divers.

Unprecedented Trip ⚓

Japan is not an easy location to get to dive in. Local demand is high and the season is short. This trip is a unique opportunity to experience a country so different from the one you live in, while diving in places only not a lot of people get to go.

Comfort Wins 🏣

The travel is long and the itinerary is intense, so getting a good comfortable rest is paramount. We have selected 4 star hotels with good credentials and reviews, so we can are fully charged to marvel at the shark spectacle.

For Shark Lovers

The diving on this trip is all about sharks, hundreds of them. If, like us, you dream about sharks in your sleep, this is the one for you. Line up for the ultimate the adrenaline boost!

Bucket List Destination

Japan is on top of as good as all of our client's bucket lists. It's a destination you save for and with good reason. To experience a destination of this magnitude with a warm group of people is the best of both worlds. 🌏

Unveiling the Mystery

"Over the last decade many clients have spoken to me about diving in Japan. It's mysterious cultural differences and the heavy shark diving there makes for a special mix we always wanted to offer. I am proud we can finally provide it. Curious to hear about the diving there too compared to other areas of the world. さあ行こう!"

- Marcel, BTM Travel founder -

Meet your BTM Trip leader

Tim De Deygere

BTM Travel Product Manager

Sharks of Japan 🇯🇵

September 7 -  16, 2025

Trip Price:

€ 4.500
  • per person in a double room (see details below for what is included in this price)


  • 9 nights/10 days accommodation
  • All transfers (airport, Izu, Tateyama, Tokyo, Cultural visits)
  • 2 dives at Shark City Tateyama
  • 8 dives at Mikomoto Hammers (35 min per dive)
  • 9 breakfast, 7 dinners (no dinners on tour day and free day in Tokyo)
  • 1 full day tour Tokyo
  • Kamakura half day tour
  • Izu half day tour

Not included:

  • Airfare
  • Lunch
  • Dinner on days 8 and 9
  • Gratuities (although not advised in Japan)

Important: We highly recommend DiveAssure insurance which also covers force majeure and single missed days of diving due to sickness. Feel free to ask us about it. Further extensions in Japan and Asia are always possible we’re happy to assist! Our terms & conditions apply!

Get in touch!


Day 1   Sep 7 Sun

Arrival Tokyo
Transfer to Tateyama 2 hours
Check in Tateyama Hotel (Chiba) or similar
Dinner at the Hotel

Day 2  Sep 8 Mon

After breakfast transfer to Bommie Shark City by Hotel shuttle
2 dives
Lunch in front of dive shop restaurant to be paid on location
Dinner at the hotel

Day 3  Sep 9 Tue
After breakfast check out
Transfer to Izu Tokyu Hotel, Shizuoka 4 hours – Lunch to be bought on the road
Stop by Nanadaru Kawazu Seven Water Fall
Hiking at Nanadaru
Transfer to the Izu Tokyu Hotel or similar
Dinner at the hotel

Day 4  Sep 10 Wed
After breakfast transfer to Mikomoto hammers     
Lunch can be ordered by guest before diving or eat near by
2 dives (max 35 min per dive)
Dinner hotel
Shimoda Ropeway 
Back to hotel

Day 5  Sep 11 Thu
After breakfast transfer to Mikomoto hammers
Lunch can be ordered before diving
3 dives (max 35 min per dive)
Dinner at the hotel

Day  6  Sep 12 Fri
After breakfast transfer to Mikomoto hammers
Lunch can be ordered by guest before diving or eat near by
2 dives (max 35 min per dive)
Dinner at the hotel

Day 7 Sep 13 Sat
After breakfast check out
9am transfer to Kamakura (3 hours)
12pm Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine accommodated by English Speaking guide
1pm lunch
2pm Komachi street
3:30pm leave for Tokyo (1.5 hours)
5pm Hotel Check in Tokyu Stay Shinjuku or similar
Dinner at the hotel

Day 8 Sep 14 Sun
Breakfast at the hotel
9am Tsukiji Market with English Speaking guide
11am Sensoji Temple
Nakamise street
Asakusa Tour
12pm  Lunch
1:30pm Tokyo Sky tree
3pm  Meiji Shrine
4pm Shibuya crossing, Hachiko Statue
Dinner at own expense in city center

Day 9 Sep 15 Mon
breakfast at hotel
All day free
Dinner at own expense in city center

Day 10 Sep 16 Tue
After breakfast
Transfer to the airport

Please note that the scheduled itinerary can undergo minor changes in timings and accommodation shorter to the trip date due to availabilities.


We have selected three 4 star hotels in Izu, Tokyo and Tateyama to ensure a comfortable yet affordable resting base between our travels and the dives. Accommodations in Japan are only bookable a year before itinerary dates so the eventual accommodation might change, but we guarantee accommodation will be of the same lodging standard.


Japan’s culture is a captivating fusion of tradition and innovation, steeped in a deep reverence for harmony and respect. From the meticulous rituals of tea ceremonies to the vibrant world of anime and technology, Japan embodies a dynamic blend of ancient customs and modern trends. Its rich artistic heritage, reflected in everything from ukiyo-e prints to exquisite culinary creations, showcases a unique aesthetic sensibility that continues to inspire and captivate people worldwide.


Mikomoto Island is esteemed for its notable population of scalloped hammerhead sharks (Sphyrna lewini), drawing diving enthusiasts globally to observe these majestic marine species in their native environment. Submerging into the depths adjacent to Mikomoto’s coastline, divers are presented with the remarkable spectacle of numerous hammerheads gracefully traversing the waters. Things can get adventurous: blazing current and changing visibility are often the case. Dives last 35 mins!


Tateyama is a well-known diving destination that is often referred to as “Shark scramble” or “Japanese hound shark traffic jam” and is the only shark feeding area in Japan. It’s a fantastic photography and video opportunity, and being swarmed with tons of harmless hound sharks is a stellar wildlife experience too.

9 spaces left

Top Rated Operators

Bangka Bash - Girls Only trip 04/25

April 4 to 11th, 2025

+++ Girls Only - Bangka Bash +++

7 nights diving magic at Coral Eye


If you like the following, this trip might be for you:

Girls Only Trip! 💪🏽

This is the absolute first time organise a Girls Only trip! It just seemed like such a good idea to get rid of the alpha males in wetsuits and let the stronger gender to its thing in style. 10 enthusiastic women together on an island, what could go wrong?

Top Class Diving 🤿

The reefs around Bangka are what you'd expect them to be: pristine, colourful and quiet. It's an absolute macro hotspot with some big animals such as reef sharks cruising around as well! Trips to Lembeh and Bunaken are included in the price too!

Italian Design 🇮🇹

Coral Eye Bangka is a stunning paradise. Designed by Italian interior architects Studio ARC.S Milano, it combines simplicity, relaxation and blissful comfort in a dynamic space where social areas, work spaces and private zones merge seamlessly.

Dynamic Group ⚡

We love bringing interesting people from different backgrounds, regions and cultures together! This trip will gather 10 women from different places in the world, adding a human experience to the underwater magic and top accommodation.

Budget Friendly 💸

We have crafted a very competitive price for 20 dives, two day trips, an experienced trip leader and a spectacular accommodation. Because we love our ladies and because we want to offer trips to the widest range of people possible! Hard to find anything better!

Coral Triangle 🇮🇩

Located in the heart of the Coral Triangle Indonesia's stunning reefs are home to an incredible array of marine life that is found only in this region: invertebrates, turtles, sharks, rays and hard and soft corals for days. Above and below land, colour is the word here.

First Time!

This is our first Girls Only trip. By hopping on you get to shape it and experience it right from the beginning!

How can I miss this?

"Coral Eye is a spectacular resort with large open spaces, beautiful rooms made out of local materials and top food. The diving around the island is Indonesia at its finest: colourful reefs and tons of diversity. I cannot believe I have to stay home for this one, but Girls Only means Girls Only." - Marcel Wilpernig, BTM Travel Founder

Untouched Beauty

The reefs and waters we will be diving are pristine and untouched: it is truly diving as it used to be in a lot of other (now heavily affected) places. The abundance of ocean life is something that brings hope and extreme joy. We love transferring this feeling to our beloved guests and bring together a group of ocean loving enthusiasts that returns home inspired.

Meet your BTM Trip leader

Roxy Damseaux

Dive Specialist & Trip Leader

Girls Only - Bangka Bash

April 4 - April 11th, 2025


€ 2.199
  • per person (see details below for what is included in this price)


  • 7 nights accommodation in Superior room
  • Round trip airport transfers
  • 20 AIR dives per person around the spectacular reefs of Bangka
  • Bunaken day trip (1 day)
  • Lembeh day trip (1 day)
  • All Meals & Snacks, free flow drinking water, coffee and tea, local taxes and free WiFi

Not included:

  • National and international flights
  • Nitrox upgrade for 20 dives, EUR 120
  • Alcohol and soft drinks
  • Rental gear
  • Gratuities

We have tons of extension options in Indonesia, reach out!

Important: We highly recommend DiveAssure insurance which covers force majeure and single missed days of diving due to sickness. We now offer upgrades to Cancel for Any Reason (CFAR) coverage.

Our terms & conditions apply!

Get in touch about this trip!

Getting There

Manado ‘Sam Ratulangi’ international Airport (MDO) has regular international flights to / from Singapore operated by Scoot Air ( a low cost airline of the Singapore Air group ). It’s also connected to Jakarta, Denpasar-Bali, Makassar and Surabaya by Garuda Indonesia, Lion Air, Batik Air or CitiLink, all offering daily flights, 7 days a week.

The trip from / to the international airport takes approximately 1 1/2 hour each way. Our driver will meet you at the airport with a sign with your name on it. He will assist you with your luggage and the transfer is done by private car. After an approximately 1 hour car ride you will reach Pantai Surabaya, there you will switch from car to our private speed boat. An approximately 30 minutes boat ride will take you to the Coral Eye jetty where our team will be waiting for your arrival. Our private transfer is available 24/7. We provide a complete transfer upon request from any place around North Sulawesi by private car and private speed boat. Please contact us directly for tailor made transfers in between resorts or hotels in North Sulawesi. A surcharge for this service may apply.

Day to Day

We have 20 dives to spread out over 7 days, that means we will be in the water A LOT. Waking up early to get the first dive in, take breakfast, do another dive, have lunch, and then go out for the last dive of the day is how your days will usually look.

In between there’s enough time to relax, explore the roadless island, and just disconnect from the outside world.

Two island trips to the nearby wonders of Bunaken and Lembeh are included as well to give you the maximum exposure of the region and its differences in divesites.

Coral Eye

Coral Eye is a unique Boutique Resort on Bangka Island, North Sulawesi in Indonesia. Originally founded as an outpost for marine studies, today Coral Eye Bangka is a melting pot of passionate travelers, dive enthusiasts, underwater photographers and marine biologists.

Coral Eye was designed to place the guest at the center of the space, creating a unique environment that favors socialisation and communication between people united by a common passion for the sea.

The original idea was to create a co-working outpost where universities and students could exchange ideas and develop their projects on tropical marine environments. In 2013, following the construction of the diving center and lots of hard work, Coral Eye opened its doors to tourism as an alternative to mix science with passion and love for the sea.

In 2022 Coral Eye joins forces with the Siladen Resort and Spa to form a new partnership and elevate the resort to a new level of comfort for guests. While keeping the original community spirit of Coral Eye and the characteristics that have distinguished it from other resorts since its founding, the new partnership adds a touch of luxury with 7 new villas and an upgrade of the existing rooms and general guest services.


Bangka Island, situated off the northeastern coast of Sulawesi in Indonesia, is renowned for its stunning coral reefs and vibrant marine life. Divers and snorkelers flock to its waters to witness swirling schools of fish, including vibrant butterflyfish and curious clownfish darting among the corals, and seahorses.

The island’s underwater terrain is adorned with dramatic rock formations, providing shelter to elusive creatures like the flamboyant cuttlefish and the intricate ghost pipefish.

Additionally, Bangka Island is a hotspot for encounters with graceful sea turtles gracefully gliding through the azure waters, as well as reef sharks scouting for an opportunity.

Bankga is a prime example of the spectacular value Indonesia’s waters and islands have to offer.

9 spaces still available

Top Rated Accomodation

Argentina's Southern Right Whales - 09/25

26 September - 4 October 2025

+++ Southern Right Whales +++


Argentina Whale Photography Special

If you like the following, this trip might be for you!

Southern Right Whales

Southern right whales migrate to the coastal waters of Argentina, particularly in the Peninsula Valdés area, to breed and calve. These massive marine mammals are known for their distinctive V-shaped blow and playful behavior, often seen breaching and slapping their fins on the water's surface. Under a special government permit we will have 5 days of snorkel action with these gentle giants.

Peninsula Valdés ⚓

Península Valdés in Patagonia is a region of incredible global significance for the conservation of marine mammals. Not only is it home to an important breeding population of the endangered southern right whale, it also a breeding are for southern elephant seals and southern sea lions. The orcas in this area have developed a unique hunting strategy to adapt to local coastal conditions as well!

Photography Trip 📸

The permits to dive with Southern Right whales are only handed to groups that come to portray and capture the Southern Right Whales through underwater photo or videography. This trip is therefore led by Timon Koch, our BTM Travel UW photographer and all round photo beast. We'll be discussing light, photography techniques, approaches, presets and much more!

Small Group Travel👪🏿

One of the main pillars of our travels is the guarantee that we will be diving in a small circle. No big group harassing these pristine animals, but only 6 divers to ensure an authentic for everyone involved.

Vamos Argentina 🇦🇷

This beautiful country of Albiceleste dominating South America, is a wildlife and especially marine life hotspot. It's a dream destination to travel to, let alone spending time with some of the most unique whales in the world there!

Local Operator 🛥️

We have carefully selected a local operator with more than 10 years experience in Southern Right Whales. Working with locals always works best for us, especially in a niche as whale diving.

As Exclusive As It Gets

"We are always on the lookout for new adventures, animals we haven't shared the water with. We want to be the facilitator of bringing clients where they can hardly go on their own. The Southern Right Whales of Argentina is right up there with one of the most exclusive trips we have ever organised."

- Marcel Wilpernig, BTM Travel -

Meet your BTM Trip Leader

Timon Koch

UW Photographer & Trip Leader

Argentina's Southern Right Whales

26 September - 4 October 2025

Trip Price:

$ 6.499
  • Per person


  • 5 snorkelling days with Southern Right Whales
  • Government permit for Southern Right Whale diving
  • 2 on land activities
  • 8 nights accommodation and breakfast in single room
  • Lunch on snorekling days
  • Rental car for transfers and on land activities
  • Rental diving equipment

Not included:

  • National and international flights
  • Dive and Travel insurance
  • Dinners
  • Lunch on non-dive days
  • Gratuities


  1. Permits subject to full name and personal details of every participant, will be delivered mid 2025.
  2. To not disturb the animals’ natural behaviour, only 2 divers are simultaneously allowed in the water.
  3. UW photography experience is necessary.

Further extensions in Argentina are always possible we’re happy to assist! Our terms & conditions apply!

We highly recommend DiveAssure insurance, which covers force majeure cases and single missed days of diving due to sickness. 

Get in touch!


Guests will be picked up from Puerto Madryn, which has direct flight connection with Buenos Aires (we can help you book flights!).

To make sure we make the best use of our 5 day permit, we are staying 8 days at the hotel to shift our planning in accordance with weather circumstances.

The diving days start with easy breakfast at the hotel, after which we drive with the car to the harbour, where we will embark on the dive boat and try go and find the whales. We come back in the late afternoon.

Snorkelling with the whales happens in groups of 2. Important: no pictures with both divers and whales in frame can be taken.

On the non-diving days, we will drive out around the region to go and spot wildlife and explore: tons of animals inhabit this region such as mare, elephant seals, penguins, guanacos, armadillos and many more.

Del Nomade Hosteria Ecologica

Our preferred accommodation is a perfectly fitting Eco Lodge concept hotel. It has a family atmosphere as well as various amenities to enrich our stay.

Del Nomade has 8 double capacity rooms, 4 on the ground floor with a small private terrace.

There is a breakfast and community space on each floor. In a conscious effort to minimize environmental impact, the hotel uses solar energy and water recycling technologies. Solar panels assist in the hotel’s heating system and for hot water.

Peninsula Valdes, located on the Atlantic coast of Argentina, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site renowned for its rich biodiversity and unique geological features. Stretching over 3,600 square kilometers, this rugged peninsula juts out into the ocean, forming a sheltered haven for a diverse array of marine life. One of its most famous inhabitants is the southern right whale, which migrates here annually to breed and calve in the calm waters of Golfo Nuevo. Visitors flock to Peninsula Valdes for the chance to witness these majestic creatures up close, either from the shore or on guided boat tours.

Apart from its significance as a breeding ground for marine mammals, Peninsula Valdes also boasts diverse terrestrial habitats, including grasslands, scrubland, and salt flats. These environments provide crucial habitats for numerous species of birds, mammals, and reptiles, making it a hotspot for wildlife enthusiasts and researchers alike.

Additionally, the peninsula is home to important conservation efforts aimed at protecting endangered species such as the southern elephant seal and the Magellanic penguin. With its stunning natural beauty and ecological importance, Peninsula Valdes stands as a testament to the importance of preserving and protecting our planet’s biodiversity.

1 space left!

Top rated operator

Raja Ampat on the Tiaré – 11/2025

November 12 - 23, 2025

+++ Indo on the Tiaré+++


11 nights Raja Ampat cruise with Peter

If you like the following, this trip might be for you:

Marine biodiversity

Raja Ampat is an epicentre of marine biodiversity, and arguably one of the world's best diving destinations. 🪸 Being home to more than 75% of the world’s coral reef species and more than 1600 species of reef fishes, this is a place where nature still thrives.

Manta Mania

Raja's manta's are a world famous natural spectacle. Their gentle crossings over the cleaning stations appear as enormous flying carpets, making us divers look like absolute mini creatures. 🏴‍☠️ Both reef mantas as well as giant manta's appear in the waters of Raja.

Authentic Group Travel

You already know what this one is about: at BTM Travel we safeguard authentic, and international group diving. We love bringing people from all over the world together, making the dive experience dynamic and intimate. 🫧

Top Liveaboard

The Tiaré is a vessel that combines both comfort and supreme diving facilities. ⛵ With its classy red sails and wooden structure, the boat oozes class. Even more important: it offers massages!

Sharky Waters

These waters are home to over 22 shark species, with a wide array of reef sharks and special ones such as wobbegongs! Keep your eyes open when crossing those amazing reefs: things will get sharky for sure. 🦈

Coral Triangle

The archipelago is situated within the Coral Triangle, a region in the western Pacific Ocean known for its exceptional coral reefs and marine life diversity. 🔻Raja is one of the pillars that made this triangle so famous.

This trip is open for everybody

Viewpoints from cultures all over the globe inspire us, that’s why we love bringing people from different backgrounds together. The more diverse, the better we feel.

Bucket List Destination

Raja Ampat is on top of as good as all of our client's bucket lists. It's a destination you save for and with good reason. To experience it on a top liveaboard with a warm group of people is the best of both worlds. 🌏

Nothing But The Best

"Peter is our most experienced trip leader, he knows like no one else to pick his spots while diving, and int he process he makes stellar videos of the wildlife and clients alike. Raja is an all-time favourite. You just can't go wrong." 

- Marcel, BTM Travel founder -

Meet your BTM Trip leader

Peter Löseke

UW Videographer & Trip Leader

Raja Ampat on the Tiaré

November 12 -  23, 2025

Trip Price:

€ 5.875
  • per person in a budget cabin (see details below for what is included in this price)


  • Full board
  • Water, soft drinks, Balinese coffee & tea
  • Up to 4 dives daily
  • Tank, weight, guides
  • Airport transfers from hotel/airport – boat and back

Not included:

  • € 310 per person Parking and harbour fees
  • Nitrox € 75 per person
  • Massages
  • Crew gratuities
  • Fuel surcharge (if necessary)
  • Rental equipment

Important: We highly recommend DiveAssure insurance which also covers force majeure and single missed days of diving due to sickness. Feel free to ask us about it. Further extensions in Indonesia are always possible we’re happy to assist! Our terms & conditions apply!

Get in touch!


From your home country, you will need to fly to Sorong Airport (SOQ) which is located in West Papua – Indonesia. Sorong Airport can be reached from the following Indonesian international airports: Jakarta, Denpasar, Manado, or Makassar/Ujung Pandang. We always recommend to arrive in Sorong a few days or at least one night before to be on the safe side. We are happy to assist with all internal flights, accommodations etc. in Indonesia. Contact if you would like any assistance.


The itinerary chosen will be “Best of Raja Ampat”: that means the best spots for the weather forecast at the time! We discuss with the captain and the crew the best route to go to get to see the absolute best in pristine conditions. Here are some of the highlights of Raja:

Cape Kri. If you want to see  large fish and to be enveloped by fish then roll in here, both desires will soon be satisfied.  Groupers, sharks, snappers, Napoleon wrasse, barracuda, dogtooth tuna, trevallies. They are all here in numbers.
Cape Kri is a great place to spot wobbegongs, the curious carpet shark, but you should also admire gorgonian fans to look for pygmy seahorses grasping its branches.

Misol Island. Is located in the southern part of the Raja Ampat area and  is home to an astonishingly colourful reef-scene. Soft corals dress up slopes, walls and canyons in a colourful palette No big schools here but cuttlefish, pipefish, Indian lionfish, nudibranchs, soft corals and critters. Unmissable by night.

The Jef Fam Group. Is in the central region of Raja Ampat, so it’s quite probable  that you’ll visit it whether we are joining a southern or northern cruise route. It’s quite a large area with some impressive cabbage corals, sheet corals and mushroom corals What makes Jef Fam special is its diversity of marine encounters and  is the best place to find wobbegongs. You can also see huge giant clams, Spanish mackerel, great barracuda and manta rays.

Manta Ridge. Is one of the best dive spots in Raja Ampat to regularly see mantas  in  impressive numbers, it is a popular central site, thanks to a cleaning station which delivers some awesome manta ray action to the few lucky enough to be there.  In current, you may have to hook into place before enjoying the show which includes some black mantas, bumphead, parrotfish and turtles all unconcerned by the audience.

Your memories of diving in Raja Ampat will stay with you forever.


Built from salvaged Indonesian woods, the classy Tiara offers a mix of modernity and tradition with a variety of places to snuggle in and enjoy your down-time. The very large top deck sun lounge allows for sunbathing or enjoying the scenery.  Downstairs on the main deck, the living area on the bow is equally as spacious. Soft sofas and Indonesian day beds are a great place to socialize, have a nap, read a book or just daydream.  It’s also the setting where you find beautiful wooden tables & cushioned benches for your alfresco meals

The interior restaurant is in the deck house mid-ship on this deck and has a bar stocked with imported wines and a selection of other drinks, an ice machine, a coffee machine, a wine fridge, a juice extractor, an herbal tea station and a drinks fridge.  Dinner can be served here as an alternative to the main deck exterior dining area depending on weather conditions and your personal preference.  An chic but comfortable air-conditioned lounge, with all the requisite audio-visual equipment, adjoins the restaurant.  Restaurant and lounge are surrounded by picture windows to ensure that you can continue to enjoy the spectacular surroundings.

Also located on the main deck is the dive deck which has individual setup areas and hot showers.  Photographers will appreciate the indoor camera room which has plenty of storage space … and, of course, the onboard PCs for editing photos or videos.

The six cabins are all located on the lower deck and two of the cabins are set up with the possibility of being family cabins, each with capacity for 2 adults and a child.

For between-dive activities or for non-divers looking for some sporting fun, Tiare offers snorkeling gear, the use of 2 kayaks, a stand-up paddle board and a towable water tube. There are also shore excursions and visits to Indonesian villages where possible.

The dining room is at the front of the main deck where delicious buffet style Asian and western meals are served. The saloon is large and spacious with comfortable lounges, big windows, bar fridge, and complimentary fresh roast coffee, tea, soft drinks and juices. Multimedia entertainment centre including large flat screen TV for briefing and movies, large library and a full selection of marine life books.

There are two outside decks–the shade covered party deck with its comfy cushioned lounge suite around nearly the whole deck and the sun platform in front of the wheelhouse give you the choice to sun bake or not !


The best time to dive Raja Ampat is from October to April. During this time you will be able to explore the Northern and Southern Part of Raja Ampat. The water temperature in Raja Ampat is between 27 – 30 Celsius. We recommend 3mm long wetsuit to dive in Raja Ampat unless you are warm quickly.


The Raja Ampat Marine Park covers a large area with more than 1’500 islands listed. Therefore, a liveaboard is an ideal way to explore this fantastic destination. Here you will explore one of the last frontiers of unspoiled diving and snorkelling. The archipelago’s pristine reefs are not only vibrant, but the region also proves to have the highest coral reef biodiversity for its size in the world. Raja Ampat holds more than 1’320 fish and 550 coral species and all that is yet to be discovered. Raja Ampat is the epicentre of global marine biodiversity and considered to have the best coral reef diving on the planet. From unusual wobbegong sharks to majestic giant mantas to tiny pygmy seahorses, Raja Ampat has it all! If you are snorkelers or have non-diver family members or friends and you are not sure if this will be a trip that they would enjoy, we have good news: there are many activities for you too!! There are plenty of excellent sites in this fabulous destination, which not only great for diving but also for snorkelling. This marine park is listed among the world’s best-snorkelling destinations. This area is also remarkable for its stunning above water scenery. The famous natural landmark of Raja Ampat is of the mushroom-shaped limestone formations covered in dense vegetation rising out of the turquoise seas. A visit to Pianemo or Wayag viewpoints for extraordinary views and photo opportunities of these iconic natural wonders. During our trip to Raja Ampat, we will also visit local villages on some islands and explore the beautiful lagoon by speed boat.

9 spaces left

Top rated Liveaboard

Niue Whale Wonders II – 08-09/2025

Aug 22nd - Sep 5th, 2025

+++ Niue Whale Wonders +++

Humpback Whales of the Pacific

If you like the following, this trip might be for you:

Humpback whales 🐋

Niue is one of only a handful of places in the world where you are allowed to swim with one of our ocean's most interactive and fascinating whale species: humpback whales. Our encounters here have been simply spectacular: intimate, wild and respectful.

Small group travel 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

On this tour we will have a small group of 5 ocean lovers to offer the best experience in the water. No big groups, ocean full of fins and divers, but spacious and controlled water entries is what we safeguard.

Dolphins 🐬

It's not just the whales that put up a show. We regularly come across the resident spinner dolphins along the way allowing for a possible in-water interaction, making this a cetacean fest for all types of divers to enjoy!

Incredible Vis 🎯

This snorkeling trip offers one of the best visibility levels we have ever witnessed out in the blue. On some days you can see as far as 40 to 50 meters, and on exceptional days up to even 80! The perfect conditions to make the best whale shots imaginable.

Unknown territory 🌅

Compared to other well known dive destinations, Niue Island has not reached frequent dive tourism, which shows on the island culture and the interactions with the animals. We love offering these destinations to our clients, and be ahead of the pack.

Dynamic Operator 🎆

A relaxed atmosphere, pristine dive conditions and light hearted conversations form the pillars of our ocean adventures. Our operator consists of a dynamic team that contributes to the most authentic experience possible!

This trip is open for everybody

Viewpoints from cultures all over the globe inspire us, that’s why we love bringing people from different backgrounds together. The more diverse, the better we feel.

I love whales!

"We were kind of sceptical when we heard the noises about Niue. A fairly undiscovered and preserved whale sanctuary, where you respectful interactions are more or less guaranteed, is it possible? And boy it is. The vis was incredible, the whales are calm and interactive, the team of Niue Blue is professional and dynamic. It's a perfect combo for a whale wonder adventure."

- Marcel Wilpernig, BTM Travel  -

Niue Island

Welcome to Niue, a tropical paradise on a raised coral atoll with some of the clearest waters in the world – up to 80 metres’ visibility. Dive or snorkel in pristine waters, explore chasms and reefs bursting with corals and vibrant marine life or interact with whales and dolphins in their natural environment, in waters that are warm all year-round.

- Niue Blue Island Experiences -

Meet your BTM Trip Companion

Peter Löseke

UW Filmmaker & BTMT Trip Leader

Niue Island Expedition

August 22 - 5 September, 2025

Trip price:

€ 5.949
  • per person (see details below for what is included in this price)


  • Airport Transfers
  • 14 nights accommodation at Scenic Matavai Resort, Ocean room with breakfast
  • 11 water days (11 half day tours searching for whales)
  • Including experienced captain and crew from Niue Blue Island adventures
  • 1 half day freediving excursion by boat to caves and reefs
  • Special Island Tour (5-6 hours) with english speaking local guide
  • Behind the Mask Travel Tour leader
  • Rental Van for full 14 days for all transfers, tours, including Gas

Not included:

  • flights to Auckland starting from 1.500 € from Europe (depending on availability at the time of booking)
  • flights Auckland – Niue – Auckland with Air New Zealand ~ 500 – 600 € per person Economy-Class incl. 23 kg checked baggage
  • food and drinks on the island
  • travel insurance, overseas health insurance
  • extra activities such as scuba diving or additional tours
  • single-room surcharge for 14 nights 1.700 €

Important: min. 4 bookings to confirm this group.

Our terms & conditions apply!

We highly recommend DiveAssure insurance, which covers force majeure cases and single missed days of diving due to sickness. 

Get in touch about this trip!

August 22 –  Sep 5, 2025

The only way to reach Niue is by taking a 3-hour direct flight from Auckland International Airport, 2 times a week every Tuesday and Saturday. As we are crossing the international dateline the arrival will be one day before. This means you have to catch the early morning flight (around 9 a.m.) on the 23th from Auckland to Niue to arrive on the day before. We will spend 14 nights on the island – from August 22rd to September 5th 2025.

Meeting Point for this trip will be in Auckland accordingly. Your tour leader will be in a hotel nearby the airport the night prior to the departure to meet you there. We will publish and offer the hotel overnights as soon as flights will be available (11 months before departure). Feel free to ask us about packages including your international flights or also extension programs in New Zealand.

Action plan:

Meeting times will be discussed on spot for the next day. We will meet for breakfast of course and head from there together to the dive shop.

For your whale and freediving adventures we will enjoy the private boat with maximum 6 passengers. The whale trips normally take up to 4 hours and will happen either in the morning or in the afternoon, depending on weather conditions, guests or the trip leader’s decision. It’s not really possible to say which times are better as nature is unpredictable. If there are no whales to be found we will use the time to get some water time in the magical caves or on the reefs of Niue. The package includes 10 days of excursions on the water. On 2 of those days we will add a freediving experience either before or after the whale search in the caves and reefs around the island. On the free day we will enjoy a special island tour from Niue Blue. This leaves us with another 2 full days for your own activities and adventures. Please note that in Niue there are no shops or companies working on Sundays. It’s a strictly sabbatical day, same as in the Kingdom of Tonga. This local tradition should be kept in mind and respected.

Scenic Matavai Resort

As the only full service resort on Niue, the Scenic Matavai Resort offers the best of both worlds — an uncrowded, authentic Niuean experience with the convenience of contemporary luxury. Enjoy watching Humpback Whales and Spinner Dolphins right from the deck while enjoying a meal from of the two onsite restaurants and finish the evening with cocktails by the pool.

Fakaalofa lahi atu – Welcome to beautiful Niue

Niue is a Pacific Island paradise like no other – one of the smallest countries and one of the largest raised coral atolls on earth. It’s a place where it’s normal for complete strangers to wave at each other, a place where nature hasn’t been broken and things are ‘the way they used to be’. Niue is a large upraised coral atoll, positioned as a standalone island in the centre of a triangle of nations made up of Tonga, Samoa and the Cook Islands. It’s located 2400km northeast of New Zealand, on the eastern side of the international dateline.

The island’s isolation and coral origins make for an exciting coastline. There are no lakes or rivers that runoff into the ocean which ensures crystal clear water year round. The whole island is dotted with a myriad of caves, sheltered rocky coves and secret beaches, some of which have yet to be explored. The Huvalu Rainforest is home to amazing indigenous trees and has been designated as a Conservation Area to protect and conserve the islands primary rainforest and natural fauna and flora. Scattered throughout the 14 neat and colorful villages, Niue’s less than 1500 residents enjoy dual citizenship, as a self-governing nation in free association with New Zealand. They are bilingual, speaking both Niuean and English, and enjoy an independent lifestyle. The locals are very respectful, genuinely friendly and hospitable to visitors and have accepted tourism as an important component to their economic development and well-being. They are well educated and enjoy life.

Humpback whales of Niue Island

From July to October each year the Humpback whales arrive in Niue’s waters to nurse their young. Niue is one of only a handful of places in the world where you are allowed to swim with the whales. Mother nature of course doesn’t guarantee an experience so whale interactions are strictly dependent on the whales being around, within range, settled and the weather conditions being safe. At night, you can sometimes hear the whales slapping their giant fins against the water and you may even be kept awake by their calls, unlike anywhere else in the world – they can come that close to the shore because the water is so deep.
As far as we know the density of the whales is not as high as in Tonga. However, there are only three operators with a handful of boats for whale watching, so expect little or no traffic on the water. Also, as Niue is made entirely of porous limestone, it has no lakes or streams. This means that the rain quickly filters through the island into the sea below, resulting in no sediment in the water and the visibility (diver’s favorite word) can be up to 80 meters. This clarity is ranked amongst the very best in the world and, coupled with the warm water, makes for an exceptional dive, snorkel and freediving experience!
On land Niue Island offers you beautiful landscapes and grotesque limestone formations on its coast. Take a walk along the coastline or through Niue’s tropical rainforest and experience ancient Polynesian wilderness first-hand. Also, there are bicycles and even e-bikes to rent to explore the island.

Only 1 spot left!

New destination

Niue Whale Wonders I – 08/2025

Aug 8th - 22nd, 2025

+++ Niue Whale Wonders +++

Humpback Whales of the Pacific

If you like the following, this trip might be for you:

Humpback whales 🐋

Niue is one of only a handful of places in the world where you are allowed to swim with one of our ocean's most interactive and fascinating whale species: humpback whales. Our encounters here have been simply spectacular: intimate, wild and respectful.

Small group travel 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

On this tour we will have a small group of 5 ocean lovers to offer the best experience in the water. No big groups, ocean full of fins and divers, but spacious and controlled water entries is what we safeguard.

Dolphins 🐬

It's not just the whales that put up a show. We regularly come across the resident spinner dolphins along the way allowing for a possible in-water interaction, making this a cetacean fest for all types of divers to enjoy!

Incredible Vis 🎯

This snorkeling trip offers one of the best visibility levels we have ever witnessed out in the blue. On some days you can see as far as 40 to 50 meters, and on exceptional days up to even 80! The perfect conditions to make the best whale shots imaginable.

Unknown territory 🌅

Compared to other well known dive destinations, Niue Island has not reached frequent dive tourism, which shows on the island culture and the interactions with the animals. We love offering these destinations to our clients, and be ahead of the pack.

Dynamic Operator 🎆

A relaxed atmosphere, pristine dive conditions and light hearted conversations form the pillars of our ocean adventures. Our operator consists of a dynamic team that contributes to the most authentic experience possible!

This trip is open for everybody

Viewpoints from cultures all over the globe inspire us, that’s why we love bringing people from different backgrounds together. The more diverse, the better we feel.

I love whales!

"We were kind of sceptical when we heard the noises about Niue. A fairly undiscovered and preserved whale sanctuary, where you respectful interactions are more or less guaranteed, is it possible? And boy it is. The vis was incredible, the whales are calm and interactive, the team of Niue Blue is professional and dynamic. It's a perfect combo for a whale wonder adventure."

- Marcel Wilpernig, BTM Travel  -

Niue Island

Welcome to Niue, a tropical paradise on a raised coral atoll with some of the clearest waters in the world – up to 80 metres’ visibility. Dive or snorkel in pristine waters, explore chasms and reefs bursting with corals and vibrant marine life or interact with whales and dolphins in their natural environment, in waters that are warm all year-round.

- Niue Blue Island Experiences -

Meet your BTM Trip Companion

Roland Conrad

UW Photographer & Tour leader

Niue Island Expedition

August 8 - 22, 2025

Trip price:

€ 5.949
  • per person (see details below for what is included in this price)


  • Airport Transfers
  • 14 nights accommodation at Scenic Matavai Resort, Ocean room with breakfast
  • 11 water days (11 half day tours searching for whales)
  • Including experienced captain and crew from Niue Blue Island adventures
  • 1 half day freediving excursion by boat to caves and reefs
  • Special Island Tour (5-6 hours) with english speaking local guide
  • Behind the Mask Travel Tour leader
  • Rental Van for full 14 days for all transfers, tours, including Gas

Not included:

  • flights to Auckland starting from 1.500 € from Europe (depending on availability at the time of booking)
  • flights Auckland – Niue – Auckland with Air New Zealand ~ 500 – 600 € per person Economy-Class incl. 23 kg checked baggage
  • food and drinks on the island
  • travel insurance, overseas health insurance
  • extra activities such as scuba diving or additional tours
  • single-room surcharge for 14 nights 1.700 €

Important: min. 4 bookings to confirm this group.

Our terms & conditions apply!

We highly recommend DiveAssure insurance, which covers force majeure cases and single missed days of diving due to sickness. 

Get in touch about this trip!

August 8 –  22, 2025

The only way to reach Niue is by taking a 3-hour direct flight from Auckland International Airport, 2 times a week every Tuesday and Saturday. As we are crossing the international dateline the arrival will be one day before. This means you have to catch the early morning flight (around 9 a.m.) on the 9th from Auckland to Niue to arrive on the day before. We will spend 14 nights on the island – from August 8th to 22nd 2025.

Meeting Point for this trip will be in Auckland accordingly. Your tour leader will be in a hotel nearby the airport the night prior to the departure to meet you there. We will publish and offer the hotel overnights as soon as flights will be available (11 months before departure). Feel free to ask us about packages including your international flights or also extension programs in New Zealand.

Action plan:

Meeting times will be discussed on spot for the next day. We will meet for breakfast of course and head from there together to the dive shop.

For your whale and freediving adventures we will enjoy the private boat with maximum 6 passengers. The whale trips normally take up to 4 hours and will happen either in the morning or in the afternoon, depending on weather conditions, guests or the trip leader’s decision. It’s not really possible to say which times are better as nature is unpredictable. If there are no whales to be found we will use the time to get some water time in the magical caves or on the reefs of Niue. The package includes 10 days of excursions on the water. On 2 of those days we will add a freediving experience either before or after the whale search in the caves and reefs around the island. On the free day we will enjoy a special island tour from Niue Blue. This leaves us with another 2 full days for your own activities and adventures. Please note that in Niue there are no shops or companies working on Sundays. It’s a strictly sabbatical day, same as in the Kingdom of Tonga. This local tradition should be kept in mind and respected.

Scenic Matavai Resort

As the only full service resort on Niue, the Scenic Matavai Resort offers the best of both worlds — an uncrowded, authentic Niuean experience with the convenience of contemporary luxury. Enjoy watching Humpback Whales and Spinner Dolphins right from the deck while enjoying a meal from of the two onsite restaurants and finish the evening with cocktails by the pool.

Fakaalofa lahi atu – Welcome to beautiful Niue

Niue is a Pacific Island paradise like no other – one of the smallest countries and one of the largest raised coral atolls on earth. It’s a place where it’s normal for complete strangers to wave at each other, a place where nature hasn’t been broken and things are ‘the way they used to be’. Niue is a large upraised coral atoll, positioned as a standalone island in the centre of a triangle of nations made up of Tonga, Samoa and the Cook Islands. It’s located 2400km northeast of New Zealand, on the eastern side of the international dateline.

The island’s isolation and coral origins make for an exciting coastline. There are no lakes or rivers that runoff into the ocean which ensures crystal clear water year round. The whole island is dotted with a myriad of caves, sheltered rocky coves and secret beaches, some of which have yet to be explored. The Huvalu Rainforest is home to amazing indigenous trees and has been designated as a Conservation Area to protect and conserve the islands primary rainforest and natural fauna and flora. Scattered throughout the 14 neat and colorful villages, Niue’s less than 1500 residents enjoy dual citizenship, as a self-governing nation in free association with New Zealand. They are bilingual, speaking both Niuean and English, and enjoy an independent lifestyle. The locals are very respectful, genuinely friendly and hospitable to visitors and have accepted tourism as an important component to their economic development and well-being. They are well educated and enjoy life.

Humpback whales of Niue Island

From July to October each year the Humpback whales arrive in Niue’s waters to nurse their young. Niue is one of only a handful of places in the world where you are allowed to swim with the whales. Mother nature of course doesn’t guarantee an experience so whale interactions are strictly dependent on the whales being around, within range, settled and the weather conditions being safe. At night, you can sometimes hear the whales slapping their giant fins against the water and you may even be kept awake by their calls, unlike anywhere else in the world – they can come that close to the shore because the water is so deep.
As far as we know the density of the whales is not as high as in Tonga. However, there are only three operators with a handful of boats for whale watching, so expect little or no traffic on the water. Also, as Niue is made entirely of porous limestone, it has no lakes or streams. This means that the rain quickly filters through the island into the sea below, resulting in no sediment in the water and the visibility (diver’s favorite word) can be up to 80 meters. This clarity is ranked amongst the very best in the world and, coupled with the warm water, makes for an exceptional dive, snorkel and freediving experience!
On land Niue Island offers you beautiful landscapes and grotesque limestone formations on its coast. Take a walk along the coastline or through Niue’s tropical rainforest and experience ancient Polynesian wilderness first-hand. Also, there are bicycles and even e-bikes to rent to explore the island.

Only 1 spot left!

New destination